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2024 NYU SPS面经集锦,速收藏!

作者:传兮留学 发布时间:2024-04-11 10:02:14

纽约大学(New York University),简称“NYU”或“纽大”,成立于1831年,是一所位于美国纽约市的著名私立研究型大学。纽约大学为美国大学协会成员及新常春藤之一,设有哲学、数学、医学、会计与金融、法律、表演艺术等专业。纽约大学位列2022年QS毕业生就业能力排名第16位,2024年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第35名,THE世界大学排名第24名,QS世界大学排名第39名,2023福布斯美国大学排行榜第46名。


纽约大学 SPS 为专业人士提供满足其需求的教育选择,从以灵活格式提供内容的单一课程到提供深入研究新兴和发展领域的综合内容的机会的证书课程。课程和证书都为那些寻求继续学习、提高技能并为未来工作做好准备的人提供了无与伦比的价值。



(1) Q1、Q2口语,准备1.5min,回答3min(可以写草稿)

(2) Q3写作部分,15min作答

(3) Q4口语,准备1min,回答2min


1. 口语

(1) Q1(常规)、Q2(分析)——3min


①Tell me about a time that your faced an ethical dilemma. What principles do you use to guide your decision-making?

②Tell us about your understanding of ethics and integrity and business. How would these play a role in your future career and why?

③What does integrity mean to you? How do you hold true to your values when they are tested?How would you define ethical decision making ? Why is this important?


⑤为什么和顾客 build trust and itegrity?如果信任崩塌了会发生什么?






⑪Tell me how you determine that How many planes are over California? Domestic flights vS. international flights? please state all of your assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. Three pieces of information.

⑫Tell me about a time you were working with a diverse group of people, and you had to make a decision that not everyone was on board with.What did you personally do in this situation and what was the outcome? If you not worked and then diverse team? What would you do to achieve the best outcome?

⑬A time when leading a group with members that has 明显的 goodness and weakness.How do to deal with it?

⑭Tell me how you would determine the number of cups of coffee consumed daily in New York City. How many people would add sugar or not? What three key pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem? What other factors would you consider to give you a more accurate answer?

⑮Tell me approximately how many traffic lights are there in New York City?When providing your answer. please state all of y assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. What three pieces of information would you need to have before actu solving this problem?

⑯Tell me how many hamburgers does NYC consume per day? Please provide a calculation method, please state all of y assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. What three pieces of information would you need to have before actu solving this problem?

⑰毕业后得到 dream job之后如何运用integrity and ethics做决定,principle 是什么?

⑱Tell me how much popcoms are being popped at this instant in New York City. When providing your answer, please state all of y assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. What three pieces of information would you need to have before actua solving this problem?

⑲How do you know how much popcorn to explode in NYC's cinemas every Saturday? Provide three necessary conditions to solve th problem

⑳Tell me how you would determine the number of cars purchased monthly in New York City. How many of these are electric vs fueled? When providing your answer, please state all of your assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail. What th pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem?

①Tell me how you would determine the number of bicycles purchased annually in New York City. How many of these would mountain bikes vs road bikes? When providing your answer, please state all of your assumptions, and walk us through your strategydetail. What three pieces of information mould you need to have before actually solving problem?

②Tell me how you would determine how many people are talking on their cell phone at this instant in New York City. When provid your answer, please state all of your assumptions, and walk us throueh your stratesy in detail. What three pieces of information woryou need to have before actually solving this problem?

③North America的phone的数量,homephone 的数量,三个条件以及其他能更准确的factor.


⑤Please tell me how you would determine the number of beverage bottles thrown out everyday in Tokyo. How many of these are glass vs plastic?What three pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem?What other factors would you consider to give you a more accurate answer?

⑥Determine the number of airplanes in the air at this instant. What three pieces of information would you need to have.What other factors would you consider?



⑨估算荷兰自行车购买数量,mountain bikes vs road bikes,三条假设信息



(2) Q4(管理、领导、策略)——2min


①Tell me about a past role where you led/ managed others and had to make a decision that was unpopular amongst the team. What strategies did you use to align the team? What did you learn from this experience?

②A time when you lead a group that has a popular opinion different than you? How do you align with it? What do you learn from this experience?

③Tell me about a past role where you led/ managed others and had to get the team onboard with a new vision. What strategies did you use to align the team? What did you learn from this experience?

④Please name of a blank sheet of paper. How many possibilities are there? What types of strategies can be used to resolve this problem?

⑤Tell me about a past role where you led/managed others and had to get the team aligned to move towards a particular goal. What strategies did you use to align the team? What did you learn from this experience?

⑥Tell me about a past role where you made a positive impact on the team. What strategies did younise to align the team? What did you learn from this experiences?

⑦Tell me about a past role where you led / managed others and the team morale was low.What strategies ? What did you learn?

2. 写作


①Describe a time when you were working on a project with a team and you had to meet tight deadlines. What did you do to help guide the team?

②Describe a time when you were working on a project with a team who had various/differing opinions. What did you do to help guide the team?

③How do you typically adapt your working style when collaborating with a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds/ perspectives?

④Describe a time when you were working on a project with a team that faced significant challenges and / or setbacks.

⑤Tell me about a time when you were working with a diverse group of people, and you had to make a decision that not everyone was on board with. What did you personally do in this situation, and what was the outcome? If you have not worked in a diverse team, what would you do to achieve the best outcome?

⑥Describe a time when you were working on a team where there were notable differences in strengths and weaknesses amongst team members. What did you do to help guide the team?



NYU SPS学院有许多独特的教学特色。首先,sps学院所提供的课程都是为非传统学生设计的,课程更加灵活,可以让学生更好地平衡工作和学习。其次,学院引入了在线教育的概念,大大增强了学生对学习的自主性。另外,纽约大学的校友是世界上最富有的校友团体之一。学校提供的资源,校友在就业上提供的便利,是大多数学校无法企及的。对此学院感兴趣的同学一定要做好充足的准备,如果你有留学方面的问题,欢迎联系传兮留学的老师咨询~

  • 管老师




  • 赵老师



